Affiliate Referral Program:
Join us for Monday night Q%A Calls
848 777-1212
Access Code - 544-9449#
Simple Guide to Earning Money
How It Works:
Don't make it complicated. You simply share the affiliate link that we will provide you. Find clients who you think will be a good fit for
TV Broadcasting. If client complete the form, we will contact them and do our best to close the deal. You cannot complete the form, the client must be the one to complete the form.
You get paid weekly on contracted
and funded accounts.
Approved Marketing Channels:
Social Media Facebook -LinkedIn -Instagram - TikTok - Craigslist -
You-Tube Video promoting
Groups, Forums, Offline Networking, Use of our TV Studio if you wish to setup meetings for group presentations in which we will host.
Email blasts, Personal Blogging
and other creative
lead generation strategies.
Creative Assets:
Webpage with your unique referral link to promote the services.
Check your email.
Weekly Commission
Upon receipt of your first order, you will receive your W-9 and we will request your banking credentials. Your commissions will be deposited into your designated bank account on Monday. Payout will be from contracts that were funded
by Monday of the previous week.
$1200.00 upfront or $100.00 monthly payout on all products as listed below.
TV Show Broadcast Airtime slots for any type of inspirational,
educational or family entertainment
TV Show. You can also refer us people who are interested in a movie or documentary.
Ask about our TEN YOU WIN and TWENTY YOU WIN campaigns for
movies and documentaries.
Earn $1200.00 by simply sharing our innovative film funding opportunities to individuals who have a funded contract with us. Your connections could be the key to helping creators bring their movie and documentary dreams come to life.
Get Familiar with the
six different products we offer.
GOT Questions? Call 404 836 3838
ext. 1003 OR ext. 1009